Ashtad Rustomji

I’m a researcher and analyst in the field of study of violence, continuing to train in and research the subject further and constantly evolving and improving my training methods by testing different combat principles, studying and integrating the principles of subjects like general and criminal psychology, also adding cognitive, behavioral and social psychology, sociology, behavioral science, human physiology and anatomy, criminology, victimology and law into the overall training.

Adding psychological, environmental, situational and consequential elements, increasing awareness about the reality of violence, I teach conflict management, self-protection, avoidance and prevention methods (To anyone who wants to learn). But right now, mostly I’m just a personal trainer/fitness coach.

Kasey Kleckeisen

Kasey Keckeisen is an experienced Police Officer, SWAT team leader, and SWAT training coordinator. Kasey Keckeisen is the United States Midwest Regional Director for the Edo Machi-Kata Taiho Jutsu organization.  Keckeisen is also the Minnesota State Director for One-On-One Control Tactics and Taiho Jutsu International.

Keckeisen is recognized as a Shihan by the International Shinbudo Association.

Keckeisen Sensei holds 6th degree black belts in Judo, Jujutsu, and Aikido and a black belt in Taiho Jutsu.


Wendy Dorrestinj

I’ve been in Law Enforcement for almost 20 years now. I served another 5 in firefighting. I started as a member of an intervention unit and climbed through the ranks. The last 10 years I have been a commander, basically chief of police of 23 cities (1300 sworn officers, including CID, Intel, interventions, K9 and local police units)

I am currently the National Program Director Use of Force & Training, which also is my PhD research. I work for both the civilian National Dutch Police as for the Royal Gendarmerie. (Which is a Military organization) Both organizations participate in my research and contribute to it.

Tim Boehlert

“I call myself a Contact Professional, a term that I borrowed from a friend, known to many in the Law Enforcement community as ‘Doc Rhino’, the father of Verbal Judo.”

Favorite Quotes:

“I want to thank Tim Boehlert for his editing and layout services on this work. A man with a difficult and even dangerous job but one which is needed and which serves a true social purpose.” Excerpt From: Peyton Quinn’s Musashi’s Book of Five Rings: Explained in Plain English.

“Tim Boehlert made sure this book got done. Drew provided a fine foreword and critiqued the manuscript, as did Julianne. The book is far better for their blunt honesty.” Excerpt From: Rory Miller’s Talking Them Through: Crisis Communications with the Emotionally Disturbed and Mentally Ill.

“Now do us proud and teach some upcoming rookie how not to get killed” – Marc MacYoung (after I was welcomed to CRGI as a contributor.)

“It’s not about the size of your stones, but what you build with them!” Tim Boehlert

Thank you to ALL of my mentors, teachers, resources, and the CRGI family – Gary & Erik.




Schalk Holloway

Schalk Holloway is the owner and lead systems developer at Kangal Defensive Systems. A private training provider offering specialized krav maga and urban personal safety solutions. Apart from the fact that he has trained and qualified to instruct in a couple of international krav maga systems, Schalk also draws on 15 years of experience in the civilian understanding, committing, intervention and resolution of violent crime incidents. Schalk is also a frequent contributor to Conflict Manager, the official publication of Conflict Research Group International.