Sucker Punch is an ongoing series where East Bay Rats President, Trevor Latham and KESFITNESS owner Kewesi Simon talk explore their combined 35 years experience as bouncers in Oakland California, and the physical and psychological techniques used to keep themselves safe while guarding the bar, as well as, interviewing various bouncers in and around Oakland, CA.
Category: Suggested Links
A History of Violence – Steven Pinker
Contrary to the popular impression view that we are living in extraordinarily violent times, rates of violence at all scales have been in decline over the course of history. I explore how this decline could have happened despite the existence of a constant human nature.
Guest Blog Spot
Understanding Violence Sociologically by Peter Kaufman.
In this very interesting blog Kaufman looks at how sociologists look at violence. We all understand the vast nature of the beast and Kaufman offers us a “basic, sociological understanding of this complex and multi-faceted concept.”
Drinking the Kool-Aid
Mass movements could include those martial arts that some refer to as Kool-Aid drinkers, just a thought, but maybe Hoffer’s ‘True Believer’ has been observed training often and on the internet more often by this observer, Take a look and tell us what you think? Cheers, Garry.
Monkey Dance – just for fun
Sometimes we just have to sit back and chill out from all of the seriousness we become submerged in. Enjoy this little number please.
Caution, its a bit of an ear-worm.
Secrets of the Science of Persuasion
Just for Fun, or is it?
Take this 1 minute test and tell us how you did.